Welcome to Give Her Six!

I'm so glad you are here!  

So here's the deal-every time I shop for game day apparel to support my favorite teams, I'm sadly disappointed with the selection.  The options in the pro shop and in large chain athletic stores seem to be:

1. Cut and sized awkwardly - the struggle is real.

2. Pink - This girl loves pink, but as we all know, on Wednesdays we wear pink, not game days.

3. Mean spirited or tacky - keep it classy, ya'll.

4. Everyone is already wearing it, and I'm not trying to twink on accident.

Let me introduce you to my plan to remedy this "situation".....Meet GIVE HER SIX.

I've started with the teams near and dear to my heart, but plan to expand to every city and market where there is a need for smart, comfy and classy comfort wear to support your favorite team.  

Have a brilliant idea for my new brand?  Are you in a market that is under-supported when it comes to game day apparel you actually want to wear?  Comment here or shoot me an email at givehersix@gmail.com, I would love to hear from you.  


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